Friday, October 12, 2007

The day has finally arrived...

Yes, 'tis true. I'm finally writing in my blog. It may be boring. It may put you all to sleep. But dang blast it - I'm going to post something! I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time now. I'm not sure why, but I've been dreading it - much like a horrendous homework assignment or going in for surgery. Isn't this supposed to be fun? I'm sure it will be once I get the hang of it. I just hope I don't get lazy (which is very likely to happen). I'm planning on writing pretty consistently (maybe once a week), so I can keep a sort of diary - since I'm becoming more forgetful as the years go by. Frig me. Anyways - I'm going to post this and get it over with...and hopefully I'll be back to post more later. We'll see... I know a lot of you are eager to hear about our oh-so glamorous life and many adventures, so I hope I don't dissapoint! ; )

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