So! Since way too much stuff has happened since I last wrote, I'll just give a quick recap to get us all caught up!
So...three weeks ago, Jason sliced his poor finger open (almost down to the bone) on a dysfunctional waste receptacle during a surgery at work! Poor guy! You'd think he'd hurt himself on one of the countless needles he's using all day - not a trash can! Ew! What a totally unsanitary way to get hurt!
Jason's workplace injury... How sad...
In other news, Kristin is infatuated with putting together puzzles, coloring coloring books, "reading" books (she pretends she's reading, but she's really only repeating most of what she has memorized me reading to her), drawing pictures, writing letters of the alphabet (and some 3 letter words - like CAT, MAT, RAT, CAR etc) and signing some of her abc's (her favorites are A, B, C, D, G, I, K, L, R, V, W, Y and Z).
She's having so much fun helping Jason with our wretched-looking garden. Well - it was wretched-looking. They (Jason mostly) have made it look SO much better. It's still a work in progress. Kristin is very good at reminding me to water the plants when Jason isn't at home. Kristin and I are going to start our own vegetable and fruit garden - as soon as we pick a good place for it (and as soon as I figure out how to do it without killing everything)!
She loves her puzzles!
Jason and Kristin at work in the garden
Kristin working away...
Keep working! Don't you dare try and take a break little girl! ;)
Kristin enjoys reading all of the kids books at the library
Katie - on the other hand - enjoys crawling all over the place. Can't you tell by the horrific sight of her horrendously dirty outfit? Ew! That's one nasty carpet!
Kristin's Doodle Pro version of a cat (part 2-D/part stick) :)
Kristin is enjoying her ballet class (a lot more than I am mine!) and she's doing very well listening to her teacher and learning all of the new terminology. She even corrected me on one of the positions after we both had only been to a couple of classes! Jason had asked us what we both had learned in class that day, so I said, "I learned how to do Tendus at the barre!" So I showed what I thought was a tendus and Kristin said, "No Mommy! That's a passé!" She then proceeded to show us what a tendus was really supposed to look like. As my face got hot with humiliation - I ran to get my ballet book to prove that she was wrong. Unfortunately for me, she was right. It was a major blow to my oh-so-delicate ego! ;) So now - not only do I have the major task of catching up with the rest of my class - I also have to make sure I stay ahead of my 4-year old, so she doesn't get another opportunity to humiliate me again! How dare her make a fool of me! The little wench! ;) If that isn't motivation, I don't know what is! ;) Maybe I need to start taking class with Kristin and all of the other 4 and 5 year olds! Sheesh!
What else... ah yes. I'm well on my way to getting my own servant girl to take on some of the household chores. Kristin does do a few chores on her own already (like taking Katie's dirty diapers to the trash, cleaning up her room and toys and making her bed). But a few days ago, Kristin begged me to let her empty the dishwasher, so I went ahead and let her do it. I left the kitchen for a few minutes and came back to see most of the dishes out and stacked in piles on the counter! She was so excited to help out! She even said, "Mommy, now I can do the dishes and you can make dinner. Then you won't have to do everything okay?" Is she cute or what? I just wanted to pinch the heck out of her!
Kristin unloading dishes while I make dinner
Look how happy she is! Who am I to deny her such happiness?! ;)
Okay - one last thing about Kristin. This is totally random, but I thought it was hilarious and I'm totally upset that I didn't think to get the camera and take a picture! A couple nights ago, we were all sleeping and it was probably 1 or 2am. I thought I had heard a small yelp from the hall bathroom, so after laying in bed for a little while trying to figure out if I had just been dreaming, I finally decided to roll out of bed and check the bathroom just to be sure. Sure enough - it hadn't been a dream. I found Kristin sitting on the toilet with her undies down around her ankles...sleeping. She was so tired that she couldn't even put forth the effort to wipe, pull up her undies and go back to bed. It's so much easier to just take a little snooze on the cold hard toilet seat - don't you think? ;) If I hadn't been so groggy myself - I would have ran back to my room and got the camera. Who knows though - if I had left her there, she might have fallen into the toilet and then we both wouldn't have been happy!
So onto my little Katie-poo! She's turning 1 year old tomorrow!! I can't believe 1 whole year has passed already! The time has just flown right on by! It's ridiculous! Anyways - she's busy being cute as usual. She's generally a very happy little girl. Easily pleased. Smiles at everyone who glances her way. If she ever cries - she usually just wants to be held and get some undivided attention. I'm sure she doesn't think that's asking much! She can be so demanding sometimes! ;) She has four teeth (two on top and two on bottom) and I'm not sure why, but she seems to be working on a molar in the back! What the heck?!
Always smiling...
She loves her big sister!
She loves following Kristin around. She's always trying to "play" with Kristin's toys. Kristin doesn't ever seem to mind. She loves her baby sister. She only seems to get upset if Katie messes with her little Disney princesses. They're the Disney version of Polly Pocket. She's very protective of her princesses and she doesn't like it when Katie comes smashing through one of her long drawn out scenes.
Katie hasn't started walking yet, but she's cruising all around with the aid of our furniture. Sometimes she'll stand for a little while on her own (before she realizes what she's doing) and then fall over. She has taken a couple of steps towards Jason and I a few times, but doesn't get very far. Kristin didn't start walking until the day after her 1st birthday, so I'm not worried about it. She looks like she's going to get the hang of it soon.
She loves having her hair brushed and she loves brushing Kristin's hair. She loves waving hi and bye to people. She loves clapping and she loves copying Jason's oh-so-glorious singing voice. The only words she seems interested in saying are buh buh (bottle), mama and dada. And just today, she started to try and tell a story with a bunch of babbling and hand motions. It was so cute! It reminds me of Kristin when she was this age!
Katie brushing Kristin's hair
Now I'll close with this little story. Jason and I have been married for almost 11 years (it'll be 11 years in two weeks and 3 days to be exact). We were married for almost 7 years by the time we had Kristin, so I was totally used to waking up with Jason every morning to go to work and/or school. So after we had Kristin, I couldn't not wake up with him when he'd wake up to go to school (and now to work). It just didn't feel right when I tried to sleep (while he left for school) those first two days after we came home from the hospital with Kristin. It made me so sad! So - I always wake up right before Jason is about to leave for work and I send him off with breakfast and his lunch. He leaves at a horrendous hour every morning - 530am (the lovely life of an Anesthesiologist). Then I run back to bed to sleep for another 2 or 3 hours. :) Anyways - he always tries to be nice by making the bed (while I get his lunch together). One morning last week, I came back to the bedroom to find that he had tucked Kristin's stuffed Prince Eric doll under the covers after he had made the bed. I'm not sure why he did it, but I thought it was sweet and it looked funny, so I took a picture of it. The next morning, I came back and found Mr. Potato Head tucked under the blankets. I must say - he was much less inviting than Prince Eric. ;)
1 comment:
Happy one day late birthday to Katie!!! I can't believe she has hit her first birthday already!!
Yay, my little woman finally wrote something!! I was getting crazy with all the blog checking and only seeing Kristin's tea party!! ;) Not that I don't love watching Kris play tea party.
Ew ew ew!! On a trash can?! He could sue! He needs his fingers!
Aww, Hailey likes that puzzle, too. Wow, you have a nice big garden area. Mine is under a bunch of hideous, bee attracting bushes that I would hack out of here is a second if I owned this house!
You should show that to someone at the desk. They need to clean their carpets, ugh!
Where are the ballet pictures?! I need some!!
Aww, how sweet!! I just want to pinch her!! How did she get those sippy cups stacked like that?!
That hippo thing is a good walking tool. Better than other ones I've seen! Just keep at it!
Drew had a very brief story telling stage about a month ago. Which was funny because he can talk, but it totally reminded me of Kristin!
Well, the prince idea was really cute! I don't know about potato head, but the idea of your prince still laying there with you is pretty cute!
Love you Tricia poo!
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