Monday, September 14, 2009

Blue eyes vs. Brown eyes 3:2

We're pretty sure that Caleb has turned to the dark side. Yes - it's true. He has betrayed me and his sisters and aligned himself with the likes of his Daddy! How you ask? We're beyond the 6-month mark and it appears as though Caleb has decided to go with brown eyes instead of blue! How dare he! Traitorous little milk hog!! ;) That's what I get I suppose. I told Jason that he'd never be able to beat out my blue-eyed genes. I thought that since everyone on both my sides of the family has blue eyes and since Jason's Mommy-poo and her family have blue eyes - that we'd beat out Jason and his Dad's brown eyes. Oh well. Lucky for Caleb, I actually like brown eyes! I just don't like losing... Well - at least I still have one up on Jason...I just hope the next baby takes my side!! If not, we'll be tied! ;) And no - that doesn't mean there's another bun in the oven...not yet anyways! ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't think you ever stood a chance with that kid--he looks VERY Capra-ish to me!