Okay, so there really isn't anything too exciting to write about (since we've been busy for the past couple of weeks with this whole moving/getting settled in thing), but I'll still give a quick recap of what we've been up to.
We'll start with the Superbowl. Giants versus Patriots. Big whoop. We weren't that excited about either team, but we still watched it anyways. It gave us an excuse to grill some burgers and hotdogs and drink some beer! We always enjoy watching all of the new commercials during the Superbowl - which were only so-so this year. I think one of our favorites might have been the Doritos commercial and maybe the Justin Timberlake one. Anyways - here's a few pictures of us preparing for and enjoying Superbowl Sunday.
Picking up snacks at Walmart the night before...
Giant bottle of beer: A staple at any good Superbowl party...
Here is a short video clip of Katie while we were at Walmart. We found some patty cake bear for her to play with while we were in the store and she had a fun time clapping along with it...but then we're not quite sure what made her cry immediately after her clap-along. It was hilarious and yet so sad!
Kristin approves of Jason's football helmet Jello Jigglers!
We're ready to eat and watch some football!
No Superbowl game would be complete without a good tackling...
Okay - let's move onto Valentines! Kristin was very excited to send out her Valentines cards this year. Last year it was easy. She picked out which card went to who, told us what to write on each of them and then she'd add a sticker to each one. This year, she wanted to write them all herself! And boy did I underestimate how long it would take her to fill them all out! Eek! We didn't get them mailed out until Valentines Day! She spent a good two days on them. She named each person she knew that she wanted to mail a valentine too, then I'd write that person's name down for her on a piece of scratch paper...and then she undertook the long arduous process of writing each of those names herself. Whew. It was exhausting! Next year I think I'll have her start a couple weeks early - and maybe only fill out 2 a day. Then again, she just might be able to write a little quicker a year from now. One can only hope...
Kristin hard at work on her valentines...
Yay! She's FINALLY done!
We spent most of our Valentines Day cleaning up our old house to get it ready for inspection the following morning. Tisk tisk. What wonderful timing. Oh well. After finishing up with the house, we drove over to the BX before it closed to buy each other Valentines Day cards and then we came home and had the girls open their presents. We went out to eat at a yummy Tex-Mex restaurant a couple nights afterwards, so we didn't have to deal with any crowds or busy waiters, so I guess it was worth the wait! ;)
Kristin was so excited to get her HS Musical 2 Sharpay doll for Valentines Day!
Katie's approval of her V-Day present was shortlived... There's just no pleasing her! ;)
Valentines Day cards from Grandma Christie and Grandpa Neil!
Valentines Day card from Grandma Capra, Danielle, Joanna, Julia and Emily!
Kristin and I are still going to our ballet classes. So far I still feel WAY behind the rest of the class - mainly because I haven't had a chance to learn/practice all of the positions (from my ballet book) since I've been so busy with our move. Dang blast it! But soon - I will surpass them all!! So help me!! ;)
Kristin before class. She was so happy that her uniform finally came in!
And last, but not least...we packed up a Uhaul two weeks ago and drove it a whopping one block where we arrived at our new home (where we should stay put until July 2010). We finally settled in after the last decoration was hung two days ago. So far, we've only had a heater issue and a mouse issue. But other than that - we love it! It's just a wee bit bigger and it has a brand new cootie-free carpet and that makes all of the difference! Woohoo! I made a slideshow of pictures, but since I'm having problems attaching it to this post, I'll post it separately - for those of you who have been asking for pictures (both of our Mommy-poos and Laura-poo too)!
Oh - and for those of you who are curious about our mouse issue. We had just got done watching Ratatouille the other night when Jason and I started to head for the kitchen and spotted a mouse running from the dining room to the kitchen where he made a mad dash for the dishwasher where he shimmied himself down the space against the cabinet. Rrrr... Stupid mouse! I'm sure he was thinking, "Oh - they're watching Ratatouille. Surely they must me rodent-loving people! Maybe I should make my presence known!" ;) We didn't know what to do, so we took a big roll of masking tape and taped down the crack between the dishwasher and the cabinet. Little good that did! I came walking into the kitchen the next afternoon only to find him bolting for safety behind my washer and dryer! I quickly called the rodent-catching people (I'm sure there's a better name for them, but who cares) and they came and put down sticky trays with peanut butter. Sure enough that little mouse fell for it and he got stuck on one of the trays. Dumb little mouse! I'm smarter! ;) Luckily Jason was home and he ran the tray outside, across the street and out to the field. I guess we'll have to pick it up eventually, but what am I supposed to do with it? I don't want to put it in my trash can! Ew!
On that happy note - I'm off to bed!! ;)
I was disappointed by our Super Bowl this year. I know we were on vacation, but we didn't have anyone to grill or party with. Remember our Super Bowl parties =)...
(Already have Katie riding in the back of the cart, huh...make sure she doesn't fall out or you will have to catch her one-legged like you did Hailey!)
Oh crud, I still haven't mailed out Kristin's card! Man am I bad when it comes to mailing stuff! Sorry =/
What a nerd am I. Why do I think that Valentine's presents are any less important than Christmas or birthday. I didn't take any pictures.
She is SO CUTE!!!
Yay pictures!
Eek, mouse...that is too funny, though. What a coincidence! Wait till you hear what presence I had in my house the other night!
Let me know when Jas is on call next do we can talk! Love you!
I'm so glad you guys are settled AGAIN! I'm amazed though.... you are like wonder woman to have a house together with two small kids and a Dr. hubby! And a BIG thanks from Alex to Kristin! He was so excited to get mail. She did a great job writing his name.
I love her little tutu(sp?). She is so cute!
Now after all the moving you just need a day at the spa. :)
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